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Introducing your 2025 Camp Theme 🛥️

At WinShape Camps, we are committed to serving our campers and their families through every aspect of camp; and our camp theme is no exception! By the time campers show up for camp one summer, we are already well on our way to planning an amazing camp theme for the next summer.  

This preparation happens through a team of WinShape Camps full-time staff members from all different camp programs. As we plan for each summer’s camp theme, we FIRST seek the Lord for our ultimate leadership. We ask for His guidance as we select a theme that will be relevantpowerful, and engaging. Our goal is to meet campers and families where they are and show them something in God’s word that can impact their life for the good! 

For summer 2025, we invite campers to dive into the depths of God’s unwavering faithfulness, as seen through the life of Peter. Just as Peter followed Jesus with trust and courage, we’ll discover that the uncharted waters of our future are known and navigated by the One who created them. (Matthew 4:19-20)

All Hands on Deck!

Life can feel uncertain. In a sea of distracting voices, we can float along wondering who we can trust and how much we can trust them. We look toward the uncharted waters of the future with hesitation and uneasiness, wondering where the unpredictable currents might drive us. The unknown course ahead can cause us to tremble with dread, questioning what waits for us just beyond today.

But maybe that constant apprehension, fear, doubt, or denial doesn’t have to accompany us as we follow our courses through life. We can face the unknown, uncharted waters of the future with confidence because we don’t have to face them alone. There is One who is with us through it all.

In Matthew 4:19, 20, Jesus invited two brothers, Peter and Andrew, to follow Him and they did. We have the same invitation and can make the same choice. Our faithful and loving God invites us to follow Him today and into all our tomorrows. He will lead us on the best course and will never leave us to find our way alone. When we follow Him, we can realize the unknown waters aren’t unknown to Him—He created them. So, maybe . . . those waters aren’t uncharted after all…

Daily Truth’s that will have you shouting “Aye Aye Captain!”

God is faithful to invite me in, so now I can follow him.

◆ Key verses: Matthew 4:19,20 ◆

Camp Theme | Daily Truth #1

God is faithful to be with me, both in calm and stormy seas.

◆ Key verses: Matthew 14:28-30

Camp Theme | Daily Truth #2

God is faithful through the cross, to restore what was lost.

Key verses: John 18:15-27 & John 21:15-24 ◆

Camp Theme | Daily Truth #3

God is faithful to make me bold, so His story can be told.

◆ Key verses: Acts 4:13-14 & Acts 4:18-20

Camp Theme | Daily Truth #4

Join us at WinShape Camps in 2025, as we look through the eyes of Peter and explore just how faithful and loving God is. When we follow Him, we can realize the unknown waters aren’t unknown to Him—He created them. So, maybe . . . those waters aren’t uncharted after all.. Register now!

Join us for the Summer of a Lifetime in 2025!