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10 Practical Tips to Disconnect & Reconnect with your Family

Written by: Jenna Grace Prudent

Disconnecting to Reconnect with your Family

Have you ever wondered what life might look like without our beloved screens? How would our relationships grow? How might we experience intentionality or peace, differently without the constant buzz of distractions?

For many of us, the answer remains elusive because we’ve never known a world without screens, and our worlds have become so reliant on them. My first phone was a smartphone, and I still remember how powerful it felt to have the entire internet right in my pocket. It seemed like I could find answers to anything, anytime. On the surface, it made life easier—but looking back, I think it’s collectively added more stress than relief.


My Journey of “Disconnecting to Connect”

My journey of “disconnecting to connect” (which is what we call our technology policy at camp) began in 2018 when I worked as a camp counselor. One of the most surprising rules was that we, as summer staff, weren’t allowed to use our phones during the camp day.

At first, it was a struggle. How would I keep up with my family and friends? What would I do in those moments of downtime? But by the end of that summer, I saw how vital this policy was—not just for my campers, but for myself. Without the constant pull of my phone, I could fully focus on my role as a counselor, give my campers my undivided attention, and deepen my relationship with the Lord.

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” – Mark 1:35

Sacred Spaces Free of Distractions

For me, camp has always been a sacred space—a place where I can hear from God most clearly. I think it’s because there are no distractions. No constant buzz of notifications. No emails to check or social media scrolls calling for my attention. Instead, we’re invited to sit in silence, embrace the quiet, and truly rely on the Lord. 

At camp, I started journaling for the first time. I would write out my prayers, reflect on my days, and jot down notes from the speaker’s messages. This habit became a rhythm that followed me after camp and changed my relationship with God. To this day, I still look back at those journal entries and remember the prayers I prayed, the salvations we celebrated in my cabin, and all the ways the Lord moved each summer.

Longing for Peace in a Loud World

After that first summer, I found myself reminiscing on that season of camp—longing to return to disconnection because I knew that was when my relationship with God would grow most deeply. College life was loud, full of endless to-dos, assignments and social pressures, but camp each summer gave me a breath of fresh air.

That’s when I began a new habit. I began disconnecting from my phone completely or putting it on the opposite side of the room during trying seasons—whether it was a challenging semester or an emotionally heavy time. I’d spend more time praying, journaling, and refocusing on the things that really matter. It’s remarkable how taking that step back—removing the constant pull of screens—can help me center my mind and heart on what’s important. 

It’s incredible what happens when you make space for God by quieting the noise.

Your Disconnection Challenge: Step Away from Screens

Here’s my challenge for you and your family this week:

  1. Try a screen-free family day. Plan an entire day without screens—take a walk, grab a meal at your kids’ favorite restaurant, or explore someplace new. Use this time to check in with your kids, truly hear and respond to things going on in their minds and hearts, and let them know how much you love them. (P.S. Don’t be afraid to sit in the silence.)
  2. Teach by example (yes, you). Whether it’s journaling your prayers, reading Scripture, or spending quality time with your family, take intentional steps to unplug. You have the incredible opportunity as parents to teach by example. If your kids see you unplugged and intentionally engaging with the world, they will be more inclined to step away from their own devices.
  3. Start a Family Reading Time. Choose a book to read together as a family—either aloud or individually, followed by a group discussion. Let each family member take turns picking the next book.
  4. Write Letters or Notes. Encourage your kids to write letters to family members, friends, or even themselves for future encouragement.
  5. Create Something Together. Disconnect and spend time doing a hands-on activity as a family—baking cookies, painting, building a birdhouse, or making crafts. Encourage creativity and teamwork!
  6. Have a Tech-Free Dinner. Disconnect from your devices during meals and focus on meaningful conversation. Create a list of fun or thought-provoking questions to spark dialogue, like “What’s the best thing that happened to you today?” We’ve even made a list of 140 Family Conversation Starters to get you going.
  7. Make a Family Prayer Journal. Use a notebook to record prayer requests, praises, and answered prayers. Set aside time each week to update it and pray together as a family. Here is a good one that you can purchase, but you can simply use a notebook of your own and have your kids doodle on the cover!
  8. Make One-on-One Time a Priority. Set aside time each month for a special one-on-one “date” with each of your kids. Whether it’s grabbing ice cream or going for a walk, these moments give your child your full attention and help them feel valued. If you have multiple kids, this practice can help them feel seen, heard, and deeply valued in a way that stands out from the usual busyness of family life.
  9. Creating a “screen basket”.  During family time, have everyone disconnect by placing their devices in the basket. Whether you’re eating dinner, playing a board game, or just spending time together, this small step removes the temptation to check notifications and helps everyone stay present.
  10. Set Screen-Free Zones. Another powerful habit is designating certain areas of your home as “screen-free zones.” For example, make the dinner table or bedrooms spaces where phones, tablets, and other devices aren’t allowed. These boundaries encourage more meaningful conversation at meals and create a sense of rest and refuge in your home.

Freedom to Reconnect

This is my prayer for every camper who comes to camp—that they’ll experience the same freedom of life without distractions. Free from screens, free from the noise, and open to rediscover who they are and who God has called them to be.

For it is this reason that we call our technology policy “disconnect to connect.” We believe in disconnecting from technology to better connect to the people around us. In today’s go-go-go, tech-driven world this simple practice of stepping away from our screens has the power to bring clarity, deepen our relationships, and create moments that truly matter.


Just this week, I made a simple change—I removed all my social media apps from my phone and replaced them with Bible apps. Already, I feel a sense of peace I didn’t realize I was missing. I’m excited to see what God will reveal to me this year as I disconnect and make space for Him in new ways. I hope you’ll join me in taking that step too!