How to “WIN” with the WinShape Camps App
Do you know the “Happy Cheer?” Made famous by our founder S. Truett Cathy when he would visit his Chick-fil-A Franchises, the “Happy Cheer” is deeply ingrained in the WinShape Camps DNA. It starts out when someone yells to a crowd “Is Everybody Happy?!”
Everyone in the group then responds “YEAH MAN!” Then in rhythm, the crowd spells h-a-P-P-y!
We like making people H-A-P-P-Y at camp — and this year, we’ve gone the extra mile to make you a little extra happy using the WinShape Camps app-y. (Sorry, was that cheesy?)
We’ve completely reorganized the WinShape Camps app to make it more resourceful and user-friendly for all your camp needs!
Getting Ready for Your Session
Getting ready for camp can feel like a lot! We’ve pulled together some key resources in our app to help you get ready for the Summer of a Lifetime! Here you’ll find an abbreviated version of the Handbook which includes things like packing lists and medical information.
In the “Get Ready” section, you’ll also find our 2024 Theme Song and the music video to go along with it. For overnight camps, we’ve included a quick link to check out all of our Camp-Wide Events that happen during the week of camp. You’ll want to know those for packing! And a quick link to information regarding Raving Fan Parking Lot.
The First Day of Camp
Called “Spectacular Starting Sunday” at our overnight camp locations, we’ve put a couple things in the App that will help you get to camp! The biggest to highlight is what’s called our “Drive-In Track” and “Drive-Out Track!”
The Drive-In Track is a special message featuring our camp directors to listen to as you drive onto campus for camp drop-off. Our Drive-Out Track is especially for parents to listen to after dropping off their camper!
While the Kid(s) Are Away
Once you’ve taken your camper to camp, we know the thing you’re going to want access to the MOST is our daily camp photos. Each morning by lunchtime, our photographers will be uploading photos from the previous day to our camp photo platform called “Waldo.” For just $9.99 a week or $14.99 for a two-week session, parents can get text alerts when a photo of their camper is posted, however, if you just want to scroll through the photo galleries, this link (or the link in the app) will get you there in fewer clicks!
Friday Family Fun Day
Friday Family Fun Day is an in-person experience for the whole family! We hope that your family can join in on the fun too.
In the Friday Family Fun Day section, we’ll have quick access to your session recap video, a link to Share Your WinShape Camps Story, and we will also share some other announcements like WinShape Night at the Braves!
After Your Session of Camp
Want to find out more about everything your camper learned at camp? We’ve designed Family Moments as a way to talk about each of the truths we taught at camp this summer. They go in-depth about what each truth means, the scripture we used for that truth, and give you some questions to ask your campers so you can process together. Each truth also has a video that goes with it for the whole family to watch!
Extra Goodies
On top of all of these awesome enhancements, downloading the WinShape Camps app also gives us the ability to share important news and updates with your and your family as we go throughout the summer and beyond! We even have notifications for specific locations!
We hope these new features help you navigate the Summer of a Lifetime better than ever and we look forward to seeing you this summer at WinShape Camps!