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Summer Staff Highlight – Connor Hudgins

Summer Staff Highlight | The Show + Add Production – Connor Hudgins

We wanted to take the time to highlight one of our summer staff. Connor Hudgins is currently working this summer for WinShape ON. Currently he is a student at the University of Georgia and will graduate in the fall with a degree in Business Management. This is his fourth year serving with WinShape Camps and has served in a variety of roles. We are so excited to have him serving with us this summer again for our brand new experience!! Recently we got the chance to ask him some questions to find out more about him and his role for this summer. Here are his answers:

How did you hear about WinShape?  

When I moved to Athens in January of 2017, I got involved with a local church and decided to join a small group. Jordan Nations was my small group leader and introduced me to WinShape. I applied and was hired as a Media Specialist that following summer.

What is your history with WinShape?

This is my 4th year as a WinShape Summer Staffer. My first summer in 2017 I was a Media Specialist with WinShape Camp for Communities on the Orange Team. In 2018, I was a Production Director for the Blue Team. In 2019, I was the Camp Director for the Red Team.

What is your role this summer and what does your day to day look like?

I am serving as the Program Director for The Show. Each day I lead a team to programmatically execute two live show broadcasts for campers to experience. I also lead our rehearsals and team meetings to make sure everyone is on the same page for our games, segments, and other hosting moments. Throughout the day, I also communicate a lot with our off-site Program Team to talk through segment ideas and any other feedback.

What is your favorite part about your role?

I love being able to see an idea come to completion. Just being able to take an idea, work out all the details, and see that idea being implemented in our shows in a way that flows well and is captivating to the audience.

What is the hardest part about your role this summer?

Sometimes it is hard to keep track of all the things going on at once. In any given day, we might be executing one show, rehearsing a different show, and table reading an even different show. However, I love working with details so it is a fun challenge to keep track of everything and make sure my team is all on the same page.

What is one thing God has been showing you this summer?

God has been showing me the importance of community being here at camp this summer. With COVID recently, it has been more difficult to be in community with others, so I pulled away from some people. God has reminded me that I am not meant to do life alone, and how important it is to have people to serve with, worship with, and just experience life with.