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Seeing God’s Promises in Difficult Times

Devotions from WinShape Staff – Bryant Malone

When I was in 4th grade, my family took my brother and I to a small theme park in south Georgia called Wild Adventures. It was there that I experienced many new things for the first time, including conquering my fear of the “big-kid” roller coasters. Like a lot of theme parks, Wild Adventures also had an area for younger kids to experience some different rides. One of those rides was a roller coaster called Bug Out. It was meant for younger kids — so no loops, no giant hills, and it wasn’t too fast. One day, I thought just for fun I’d go back and ride Bug Out like I did when I was younger.

There was no line and I was able to get on the ride pretty quickly. None of my family wanted to ride it, so I ended up going on the ride by myself. I got in the ride car, pulled down the safety bar, and the ride started like normal. I went up, took a couple of turns, and started to realize that with no one else in my car, I was sliding around a lot. A WHOLE lot.

Before I knew it….BAM. I slide all the way across the car and slammed my head into the sidewall. I couldn’t see anything and quickly realized my glasses had broken and fallen off. The rest of the ride I was scrambling to find the pieces left of my glasses. The ride that I had zero fear of getting on ended up being the scariest experience I ever had at Wild Adventures.

I never looked at Bug Out the same way again. My experience caused me to have a change of perspective. Changing perspective just means you look at something in a different way or at a different angle.

Sometimes when things seem hard, it’s important for us to try and get a new perspective — the perspective of Hope.

John 16:32-33 says “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus was talking to his disciples about a tough time that he saw coming in the future. At the same time, Jesus was trying to help change their perspective.

Right now, we find ourselves all experiencing something in our country and world differently than we’ve ever faced before. Much like the verses above, we’re scattered in our homes in an attempt to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. All of this can kind of be scary, but Jesus says even when you face trouble and scary things, there’s something that can help shift your perspective. Jesus says when troubles come, remember Him and His love for us. Remember the hope we have because God is in control.

Today when something comes to mind that makes you feel scared or worried, try to get a new perspective on it. Try to remember that you’re not in this alone and that God is in control.

We hope you enjoyed this devotion from our team. Today’s post was written by Bryant Malone, Marketing Manger at WinShape Camps.