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New Year. New Season. Same God.

A New Year Devotion

Are you a New Year’s resolution person? If you’re like me, I’ve given up on more New Year’s resolutions than I can count. Or maybe you like to choose one word to focus on in the New Year. Whatever your New Year’s approach may be, one thing is for certain… fresh starts and changing seasons seem to be a big part of our human culture.

Everything in Creation reveals an aspect of God’s glory and his character. Have you ever looked up into the night sky and tried to count the stars? There are over 100 billion galaxies, and each galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars! Each of those twinkling lights is proclaiming the infinite glory of God. And you know what else God created? Seasons! 

“You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter.” Psalm 74:17 

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22 

Embracing the Seasons

So why did God make the seasons the way he did? Since he designed all of creation to reflect some aspect of his glory, what do the seasonal changes tell us about Him? Think about your favorite season… Now imagine if it were that season allll year long. Maybe you love the summertime – sipping lemonade by the pool, tubing on the lake, and going to Camp. But what if it were always summer? You would never get to make a snowman, leap into a giant pile of crunchy fall leaves, or watch the flowers bloom in spring. 

God created nature’s seasons for a good purpose, but He also takes us through spiritual seasons in life! Change can be exciting, but it can also be challenging right? Changing seasons can bring us opportunities to grow inour faith, set new goals, and seek new purpose! New seasons can bring growth and joy, but they are never perfect.


Every season in nature comes with storms. Spring flowers also mean that tornado season is right around the corner. The long-awaited summer weather also brings forest fires. Winter also comes with scary blizzards and icy roads. 

The spiritual seasons we go through in life also come with storms and challenge. But God wants us to see the blessings and purpose in each one. Like forest fires clear out dead trees so new plants can grow, when God walks us through a stormy season, He promises new growth on the other side.  

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11 

Is God calling you to let go of something this new year? Are there seeds he wants to plant? Plants mature in the summer, so you may be in a season of maturing in your faith or building on your foundation. Maybe you’re in a season of harvest and God’s just calling you to soak it all in! Wherever you find yourself this new year, remember that “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him.” (Romans 8:28) 

Seasons change, but He never will! We can walk boldly through this new year season because we’re resting in the hands of the one who created us. 

Family New Year Devotion Questions:

  • 1.
    What kind of season are you in right now? What are the challenges? The joys?
  • 2.
    How have you seen God’s goodness in past storms?
  • 3.
    How do you see God guiding you in the season you’re in right now?
  • 4.
    What is a goal that you have for this New Year season?