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A Father's Devotion: The Question of Abundant Living

What is abundant living?

Have you ever been asked a question so compelling that it stopped you in your tracks? As parents, we’re constantly bombarded with questions from our kids—according to research, up to 200-300 questions a day!  Some are simple and repetitive, but as our kids get older and their small learning bubbles collide with the real world, their questions become deeper and sometimes downright impossible to answer.

Dad and son, father son bonding sitting by creek, abundant living

Needless to say, we are inundated with questions. As parents we often seek quiet time away from the questioning to attend to “more important” things, or simply sit in silence. For me, that time is early in the morning before kids wake up, or on Thursday nights with a group of dads.

What Would It Look Like If…

It was at one of these Thursday night meetups that someone posed this question: 

What would it look like for those closest to you if you increasingly experienced abundant life in Christ that overflowed into their lives through your words and choices?”

Gulp, what a question. So many things came to mind – so much to unpack. The question stems from John 10, where Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd to a group of angry Pharisees: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

In this beautiful moment, Jesus wasn’t just talking about eternity – He’s also drawing a figurative line in the sand. Jesus is offering a full, rich life here and now. He invites us to live differently, letting His abundance overflow into the lives of those around us.

Pondering the Question of Abundant Living

Back to the question that I still find myself pondering weeks later… As I sat with this group of men – all dads that want to lead and serve our families in ways that mirror Jesus – the room grew quiet. We all knew the weight of what was being asked. For me, three key ideas about abundant living in Christ stood out:

1. Identity

When I live my life knowing that Jesus has paid the price for my sins, I live in the freedom of not carrying this weight and shame. Do I believe that abundant living is living connected to Jesus? I want this for my kids and try in every way to orient our family towards this truth! 

2. Joy

There is much in the world that can bring happiness, but joy is a giant step further. I want my kids to experience more than just feelings of happiness or good times. I want them to see that living as Jesus calls us to isn’t restrictive—it’s the fullest life. imaginable.

3. Sacrifice

Jesus was clear that a “good shepherd” lays down his life for his sheep. The overwhelming thought of Jesus laying down his life for me should change everything about me. His ultimate sacrifice compels me to reflect on how I’m laying down my life for my family.

abundant living, dad and son at worship session hugging

A Dad’s Honest Reflection

This question challenged me to examine areas where I might be settling for a lesser version of the life Jesus offers. Am I modeling these truths for my kids, or am I caught in worldly distractions? Am I following a cheap, fake version of this narrative? Where am I unwilling to sacrifice for the good of my family?

None of us are perfect. These aren’t questions of shame but of opportunity. Wrestling with this question of abundant living allows us to grow as fathers and as followers of Christ.

Leading with Humility

Where am I exchanging the way Christ has called me to live for a simpler, less intrusive version that the world offers? Am I negatively impacting those in my spheres of influence by not living this out?  Again, so many questions that I’m still grappling with. 

What if we, as dads, started conversations about abundant living with our wives, kids, and closest friends? Leading with humility and honesty could spark a powerful shift in our homes.

The question still lingers for me, and I’m okay with that. I think it’s good for us to wrestle with hard questions like this. It’s a reminder to pause, reflect, and ask myself: Am I living in the abundance Christ offers, and is it overflowing to those I love most?

Written by: Mike McGuire – Team Leader, WinShape Camps for Families