Devotions from WinShape Staff: Our Shepherd Calms Us

Our Shepherd Calms Us.

The last couple of days have taught us how the Lord is our Shepherd. We learned that just like an actual shepherd cares for, guides and protects his sheep, Jesus—our Shepherd—does the exact same for us! He knows us, sees us, and even wants us to bring our worries and anxieties to Him when we may fear.

Has there ever been a time in your life where you’ve been scared or anxious about something? I can think of many different times where I’ve been really fearful and restless. Maybe that time for you is right now when we’re all at home and people are sick, or maybe you just recently moved from one state to another and have been trying to make new friends. Life can throw a lot of different storms and circumstances our way that can cause us to worry, but one of the greatest truths about our Shepherd is that He can provide a peace and calmness that surpasses all of our understanding—our Shepherd calms us!

Psalm 23:2 teaches us that our Shepherd, “makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters.” These images of green pastures and quiet waters are examples of peaceful places where an actual shepherd would take his sheep to experience rest. Many of us may look to places or things of this world such as the beach, video games, Disney World, or sports to find peace and rest. While all of these places and things were created by God for us to enjoy on Earth, they all end up falling short of providing us actual peace and rest. Ultimate peace and rest cannot be found in items or a place—it is found in a person. And that person is Jesus, our Good Shepherd!

Jesus wants you to bring your worries to Him! He doesn’t want you going to things of this world or search for peace in places that you won’t find it. Paul, an apostle (which means that he got to tell a lot of people about Jesus!), shares in Philippians 4:5-9 that “the Lord is near! Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!”

Isn’t it awesome to know we have a Shepherd who can calm us when we may fear or be anxious?! Ask yourself if there is something stirring in your mind that is keeping you worried or anxious. If so, take some time to pray about it with Jesus. He loves you and wants to help you lie down in green pastures and beside still waters today!

Family Devotion:

1. When was the last time you were scared or anxious and what did you do?

2. The next time you are scared or anxious, what can you do to remind yourself that the Lord is with you and wants to provide peace and rest?

3. Take some time to pray with Jesus about the things you are scared or anxious about and ask Him to come and give you peace and rest in Him.

We hope you enjoyed this devotion from our team. Today’s post was written by Antonio Del Sesto.