Written by Alecia Bryant
Simple Purpose
“Go therefore and make disciples…” (Matthew 28:19 ESV)
My daughter inherited my personality. It’s like watching myself walk around in her 5-year-old body. I hear myself in her words, and admittedly, in her fiery attitude. Let me tell you, raising my mini-me isn’t easy! Some of you know what I mean.
If you and I sat down one day and talked face-to-face, I might ask about your greatest hopes for your child (or children). I already know your answers because they are likely my own. We want our children to be happy, safe, and successful. We want them to know love. We want them to be kind. These are beautiful hopes, but above them all, I desperately want my children to know Jesus. I know you want this, too. Here is a beautiful truth: very few people can point my children to Jesus like I can – like you can.
It is easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of raising children. We race from one ball game to another, from one practice to another, from one commitment to another. In all this racing around, we can lose sight of our real purpose as mothers.
Our role is so very simple – make disciples. Not the best athletes. Not the most talented artists or the best piano players. Not the smartest students. Disciples. Who better to disciple your children than you? Who better to show them the way?
If we are to disciple our children, we must follow Jesus as well. This should motivate us to authentically love Jesus so we can give our children an accurate example of what loving Him looks like. Because here is the truth- they will model our faith. Our children will be in our shoes one day, and they’ll look back. They’ll either see that we were authentic, or they’ll see that we were only going through the motions.
Here are a few questions to consider:
1. Are our children learning the value of God’s Word through us?
Reflect on Deuteronomy 6:5-7: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (ESV).
Do they see us reading the bible? Do they know that God’s Word matters to us? Read it with them; speak it over them; live it before them.
2. If our children mirror our commitment, will it make us proud?
The way we apply God’s truths will teach them how to apply it to their lives. If we partially apply God’s Word, only when its easy or convenient, then they will learn to partially apply it as well. As a high-school teacher who spends a lot of time around teenagers, I can’t tell you how crucial this is today. Now more than ever, our children need us to model the truth in God’s Word. They need to see the life-changing power of the Word in our lives.
Mamas, we GET to introduce our children to Jesus. What an incredible gift! It overwhelms me- the greatest blessing interlaced with the greatest responsibility. We can be the first person in whom our children recognize Jesus! Let’s make this precious time count. Seek the Lord with all your heart, and take your children along with you.
A huge thank you to Alecia Bryant for this incredible message! Read more of Alecia’s blogs here.