25 Fall Activities for the Family

26 Fall Activities for Family Fun

Ahhh, fall. As the leaves start changing colors, we collectively find ourselves ordering apple-crisp lattes (S/O Starbucks’ new Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato) and craving pumpkin pie. Or.. is that just me? Well, in the spirit of hayrides, flannels, and bonfires we’ve got a few ideas up our sleeve that will keep your family entertained this fall. It’s a great time of year for some good ol’ family fun!

1. Go Camping (or Backyard Camping)

2. Take a Fall Drive

Turn up the volume on your family’s favorite playlist and pile in the car for a fall sightseeing drive. No need to put a plan together, just hop in the car with some tunes on a Sunday afternoon and explore together.

3. Visit a National Park

This one takes a bit more planning, but if you live near a National Park, or want to relive the spirit of our 2023 camp theme Roadtrip, this may be a wonderful fall bonding moment for the family. What better place to see the changing of the seasons than at your favorite National Park?

4. Host a Bonfire

Heat up the fire pit and gather the family for an evening of roasting marshmallows, or cooking hot dogs. Even better, invite over a few friends, (and ideally a friend with a guitar) and get a round of campfire songs going.

5. Fly a Kite

“Let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring. Up through the atmosphere, up where the sky is clear. Oh let’s go fly a kite.”πŸͺπŸŽ΅

6. Visit a Corn Maze

What did the corn say when he received a compliment?… Aw, shucks! Get lost in a corn maze with the family for an a-maize-ing time!🌽

7. Taste Test New Flavors of Classic Candy

You may have tried Kit-Kats, but have you tried Kit-Kate duos Mint + Dark Chocolate? Your favorite classics are always coming out with new flavors, so round up as many as you can find and turn it into an adventurous taste-testing event.

8. See Who Can Make the Biggest Pile of Leaves 🍁 

Make tidying up the yard a competition, and increase the stakes by adding a sweet incentive. And hey, before you bag up all of your hard work, throw in a cannon-ball contest for good measure!

9. Take Your Christmas Card Photo

Is anyone else always late to the Christmas card game? Take advantage of the reds, oranges, and yellows of Autumn before the last of the leaves are on the ground. πŸ‚ πŸ“Έ

10. Go for a Hike (or Nature Walk)

Slip on your hiking boots and find a nearby trail to take in the spectacular colors of Autumn. If your kids are too young for a long hike, opt for a shorter and easier nature walk.

11. Paint Pinecones

This is an easy activity that your younger kids will especially enjoy. Aaaand it’s a two-in-one! Send the kids out to find the best pinecones, and then decorate them any way you’d like – paint, glitter, jewels, googly eyes, you name it!

12. Bake a Pie for a Neighbor

Apple, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, or Pecan… Have you ever been to a Thanksgiving dinner without at least ONE of these southern classics? Bake a pie as a family and gift it to a neighbor. The holiday season can get pretty hectic, so this simple gesture is a good way to connect with your community and teach your kids the gift of giving.

13. Go to a Football Game

14. Plan a Scavenger Hunt

Get your family moving and plan a nature scavenger hunt by collecting colorful leaves, pinecones, and other fall-like objects. Use the list we’ve created, or create your own! Bonus tip: Use some of the things you find outdoors to try your hand at nature crafts.

15. Create DIY Fall Decor

16. Create a List of Things You’re Grateful for

With Fall, comes Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, comes Christmas. These holidays can bring on a lot of stress and busyness, so take a moment to sit down with the family and write down a list of things you’re all grateful for.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.Β  1 Thessalonians 5:18

17. Go Apple-Picking

18. Donate Cans of Food to a Local Food Bank

This one is a simple way to give back. Explain to your kids how a food bank helps some families and people that need extra food, and a food pantry collects donations to give to them so they won’t be hungry. You can even have your kids help out, depending on their age. They may be able to call friends, family, and neighbors for extra donations! And younger kids may be excited to pick up a few extra items from the grocery store.

19. Picnic at a Park

Take advantage of crisp fall days and a beautiful backdrop with a picnic! Bring along your favorite yard games, cards, or bring along these conversation starters.

20. Do a Service Project Together

That’s right — volunteer, together! Whether it’s volunteering at your local food bank or working to put together an Operation Christmas Child box. Volunteering helps kids build confidence and teaches kids, teenagers, and adults alike the power of the gospel in changing lives.

21. Write Thank-You Notes to Family or a Neighbor

22. Make Caramel Apples

Put on your chef hats and enjoy a festive fall evening of making caramel apples. Only 3 simple ingredients are needed: Apples, Chewy Caramel Squares, and Heavy Cream. If you don’t have a recipe of your own, visit ours on Pinterest.

23. Have a Movie Night

Cozy up on the couch and throw on one of your fall favorites. E.T. anyone?!πŸŽ₯

24. Go on a Bike Ride

25. Visit a Pumpkin Patch

Find a nearby pumpkin patch and spend the day picking out your favorite pumpkin and of course, snapping some cute family pics. Then take home your pumpkins for a crafty evening of decorating! Enjoy this pumpkin decorating Pinterest idea board we created!

26. Backyard Apple Bobbing

All you need is some apples, a bucket, and a kitchen sink. Crank up the tunes, and enjoy a little friendly family competition!

For more fall activities and ideas, see our Pinterest board. πŸ“ŒπŸ‚