Road Trip! Our Journey with God

Introducing the 2023 Theme

At WinShape Camps, we are committed to serving our campers and their families through every aspect of camp; and our camp theme is no exception! By the time campers show up for camp one summer, we are already well on our way to planning an amazing camp theme for the next summer.  

This preparation happens through a team of WinShape Camps full-time staff members from all different camp programs. As we plan for each summer’s theme, we FIRST seek the Lord for our ultimate leadership. We ask for His guidance as we select a theme that will be relevantpowerful, and engaging. Our goal is to meet campers and families where they are and show them something in God’s word that can impact their life for the good! 

For summer 2023, we felt led to focus on the life of David, as we explore what it looks like to journey through life with God by our side. (Psalm 25:4-5). And what better place to launch into a journey than on the road?!

Let’s Hit the Road!

Road Trip! Don’t you get excited when you hear someone shout those words? Road trips, much like life, can be super fun but also full of challenges. We’re all on a journey in life, but we don’t have to go it alone. The God who made us and loves us wants us to follow Him on the most awesome Road Trip we could ever imagine. We’re going to travel along with a guy named David, who followed God and was even called a man “after God’s own heart.” As we journey alongside David, we’ll learn some powerful truths about God and what life can look like when we travel with Him. So, come along with us at WinShape Camps in Summer 2023, to experience this Road Trip! Our Journey with God.

Let’s Journey Through This Summer’s Truths!

1. God Meets Us Where We Are, There’s No Better Place to Start

2. God is Near, Even When We Fear

3. God’s Plan All Along is to Us to Belong

4. God Brings Us Back, Even When We’re Off-Track

5. God is Caring, Let’s Keep Sharing

We’re on the edge of our car seats! So, join us as we embark on the adventure of a lifetime at WinShape Camps 2023!

Experience Road Trip

Join us next summer!
Behind the Magic

Behind the Magic

Ever wondered how our camp theme is created?