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Summer Staff Highlight – Stephen Shelter

Summer Staff Highlight | Worship Team + Small Group Leader – Stephen Shelter

We wanted to take the time to highlight one of our summer staff. Stephen Shelter is currently working this summer for WinShape ON. He attends Liberty University and will be Graduating Fall of 2020. This is his seventh year serving with WinShape Camps and has served in a variety of roles! We are so excited to have him serving with us this summer again for our brand new experience!! Recently we got the chance to ask him some questions to find out more about him and his role for this summer. Here are his answers:

How did you hear about WinShape?

Road crew and friends from First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland

 What is your history with WinShape?

This is my 7th summer, first three were with day camps communities traveling team and last 3 at day camps communities at Cobb

What is your role this summer and what does your day to day look like?

I am a small group leader/ I start my morning with helping out as a guest character/stage hand at The Show, then go help pack boxes for campers at the warehouse, and then prep for my zoom call with my campers

What is your favorite part about your role?

Interacting with campers and watering their creativity

What is the hardest part about your role this summer?

Not be able to be with the campers in person.

What is one thing God has been showing you this summer?

He has been teaching me how to be even more intentional when it comes to loving and encouraging those around me while still letting my words and actions be super genuine and not just pretty words and nice actions.