Summer Staff Highlight – Jenna Gaskins

Summer Staff Highlight | Warehouse Boxing – Jenna Gaskins

We wanted to take the time to highlight one of our Summer Staff. This summer, Jenna Gaskins is working for WinShape ON. She is a student at Valdosta State University seeking a degree in Marketing and will be graduating in May 2021. This is her third year serving with WinShape Camps and she has served in a variety of roles. We are so excited to have her with us again this summer for our brand new experience! Recently we got the chance to ask her some questions to find out more about her role for this summer. Here are her answers:

How did you hear about WinShape? 👂

My best friend worked her first summer, and told me that I HAD to apply to work camp and that I would love it!

What is your history with WinShape? 🏕

I worked my first summer in 2018 as a team time leader in the Ocean Village on the Red Team. My second summer I was the Office Director for the Brown Team in 2019.

What is your role this summer and what does your day to day look like? 📦

I am the Audit Shift Leader, so my day to day job means overseeing the final packaging of all the Camper Kit boxes. I ensure that all families and campers receive the same unprecedented experience, by also working with a team to get all the packages out the door in a timely manner.

What is your favorite part about your role? 🎉

I would say having the opportunity to work with full time and summer staff from all the different ministries of camp has been really rewarding and fun.

What is the hardest part about your role this summer? ⚖️

Finding balance between work, school, and maintaining relationships.

What is one thing God has been showing you this summer? 🙏

No matter how much you have things planned out, His plan is always going to be greater!