Summer Staff Highlight – Carley Kolter

Summer Staff Highlight | Communities Team Time Leader – Carley Kolter

We wanted to take the time to highlight one of our fantastic summer staffers. Carley Kolter worked this past summer for WinShape Camps for Communities – Black Team. Currently, she is a student at Liberty University and will graduate in December 2022 with a degree in Strategic Communications and a minor in Business. Recently, we got the chance to ask her some questions to find out more about her and her role this past summer! Here are Carley’s answers:

How did you hear about WinShape?

I accidentally stumbled upon WinShape actually. I was a freshman, walking through the library, completely lost, trying to find the study room I had been assigned. Out of nowhere, a friend yelled my name and waved me over. He was eating Chicky Nugs (haha) and talking to some random people. They ended up telling me all about WinShape and I thought it sounded like an awesome experience, so I applied!

What is your history with WinShape?

I applied the summer before WinShape ON. And then I worked this past summer at WinShape Camps for Communities.

What was your role this past summer, and what did your day-to-day look like?

I was a team-time leader. I led a group of 10-20 Safari campers in small group time, games, and activities! My kiddos called me CC! I became Wacky Carl in Wacky Science and talked in all sorts of accents. I painted astronauts and fun designs on the fields on Sundays, set up outdoor skills in the mornings, chalked the driveways, ran around corralling crazy kiddos and teaching them fun games, and danced on stage as Cowgirl Carley with my partner Hallelujah Holland! I occasionally drove the big truck! (Which was really cool.) My favorite thing was building relationships with all the people and sharing the Gospel all over America! (literally! The Black team was everywhere!)

What was your favorite part about your role?

I loved how crazy it was! I kind of felt like the go-to girl to do whatever job was needed. I loved being involved with so many aspects of camp and learning that I was capable of more than I ever thought!

What was the hardest part of your role this summer?

Working super long days with very little sleep was probably the most difficult. Up at 4:30 am, down by 11 pm!

What is something that God showed you this summer?

God truly taught me everything that I was teaching my campers. I am made for a bigger story, on purpose, for love, to belong, and to do good. He also taught me that He is in control when I feel so out of control and that He really is my strength, and I can rely on Him.

I also just want to give a shoutout to the Black Team 2021!! Y’all are the best and I’m SO grateful to have had the opportunity to have met and worked with you all for a whole summer. You all were the best family of friends that I had no idea I needed! I love y’all!

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