Young Harris Bucket List

Your Young Harris Bucket List 🪣

We are just a hop, skip, and a moon-walk away from the Summer of a Lifetime. Just as promised, we’re releasing WinShape Camps Bucket lists for each camp location leading up to the summer! Our last (but not least) bucket list is for our one-of-a-kind Young Harris campers.

At camp, we program an ample amount of fun into every camp day. A lot of the things you’ll do at camp are part of our programming, but the fun doesn’t have to stop there! These Bucket list items are curated from YOUR responses to our Instagram poll, and additional responses from our full-time staff! Here are a few things you can do on your own to create memories that will last a lifetime…

1. Make it to the Top of the Rock Wall

If you’ve never rock climbed before, maybe your goal is just to make it to the top of ANY wall. Or for you expert climbers out there, maybe you want to conquer the most difficult wall, beat your record time, or climb blindfolded? Either way, you can add this to your personal Young Harris bucket list of fun!

2. Get Messy at Slumbo Jumbo

Did someone say sleepover? Grab your favorite pajamas, pillow, and maybe even a stuffed animal to have the biggest Slumbo Jumbo with all the girls! But don’t be mistaken though, this isn’t your average pajama night. Bring your pajamas and eye masks, BUT we also might be getting a little messy. If you want to make your shower before bed even MORE satisfying challenge your Sweet-mates to see who can get the messiest!

3. Arrive to Jump Start Early and Sit in the Front Row!

At WinShape Camps for Girls at Young Harris, “Jump Start” is our morning worship where we start the day with skits, singing, dancing, a message, and a whole lot of fun! While Jump Start this summer is going to be out-of-this-world amazing, you can take it one step further and get right up close to the action. If you can convince your Sweet to clean up the table after Mañana Banana extraaa quick, and get in line for Jump Start a littleeee bit early you just might make it to the FRONT row!

4. WIN Ultimate Rec with Your Club 🏆

If this is your first summer at Young Harris, prepare yourself for the most ~ultimate~ relay race of all time. The title of Ultimate Rec champion is a highly revered one that your whole Club will work together to achieve! Hand-in-hand (literally) you and your Sweet-mates will travel around to different stations, completing the tasks with the ultimate goal of being the FIRST club to reach the finish line. When your Sweet has completed all their tasks, your job is now to encourage the other Sweets within your club by cheering as LOUD as you can. Who will our 2022 Ultimate Rec champions be?! 🐝🐋🦁

5. Stab your Wild Pizza!

The legend of the Wild Pizza states that during the summer, our Camper Care Specialist is up every morning at the break of dawn, and as she travels down from her cottage in the mountains, she uses her giant net to catch ~Wild Pizza~ for the day! The Wild Pizza is prepared for campers to eat during Lunch Munch, but before you dig in, don’t forget to stab it with your fork. The risks of not stabbing your pizza are too risky to mention. 🍕😬

6. Find the Photographer ATLEAST Once a Day 📸

While you are at camp having the #SummerofaLifetime, don’t forget about your parents back at home. 😉 Consider this Bucket List item a personal “thank you” to whoever got you to camp this summer! Grab a friend and make it your mission to find. that. photographer! We’ll give you a hint… even if they don’t make it around to your skill, they WILL be at every nite life. So keep your eyes peeled for this special individual with a camera and say cheeseee!

7. Win Spic n’ Span with Your Sweet

“Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere!”🎵 Getting messy at camp is a MUST! I mean, what would Ultimate Rec be if you didn’t get chocolate syrup on your shirt and whipped cream in your hair?! But after all that mess, we’ve got to make things Spic and Span! Of course, at camp, we love a little friendly competition. So every day your Sweet gets to compete against the rest of your club to see who can get their rooms the most squeaky clean! While you’re away from the Sweet and having fun, our Spic n’ Span fairies will be judging your hard work to see who won that day’s Spic n’ Span challenge!

Now that we’ve got the ideas flowing, you can create your own Summer 2022 bucket list. And if you aren’t registered yet for next summer, don’t wait! Secure your spot today!


Not Yet Registered for Summer 2022?

Not Yet Registered for Summer 2022?