Tiny Stage Huge Impact

Hannah and Ava Pay It Forward

Every year we hear stories of campers doing amazing things. This summer, we caught wind of one of these stories. Campers Hannah and Ava Bulmer have been a part of the WinShape nation for several years now. After attending WinShape Camps for Girls at Young Harris and at Mt. Berry, the Bulmer girls decided they wanted to bring the camp experience to their neighborhood – and so, they did!  

“We went to WinShape for the first time and we had a blast, so we just wanted to share that experience,” says Ava.  

Hannah and Ava quickly realized that starting their own camp required a lot more than they initially thought. After weeks of planning as camp was getting closer, Hannah and Ava’s mom gave them a dose of reality. 

Mom Katie Bulmer says, “As the idea came up, I told them ‘I’m not going to pay for all this. Cool idea, but good luck!'” As many moms out there may identify, sometimes their kids’ dreams are a little bigger than their wallets. However, this little bump in the road didn’t slow Hannah and Ava down. Driven by their big neighborhood camp dreams, the Bulmer girls and their helpers started to put together fundraisers. Bake sales and lemonade stands helped fund the supplies, snacks, and everything else the girls needed to make camp happen for their neighbors. Not to mention a few extra generous neighbors.

Fast forward almost 4 years later and the girls have now held camp in their front yard for a week at a time for several summers now. As many as 30 kids have shown up throughout the camp day to join in the fun.  

When we heard about all Hannah, Ava and their team of neighborhood helpers have done over the last few years, we had to pay them a visit. 

…and maybe bring them a little surprise. Watch Their Full Story: 

We love hearing about amazing things campers are doing. If your camper and family were impacted by their WinShape experience, we’d love to hear about it! Click here to share your story.