Host Rally 2024: Promise of Provision

The Summer of a Lifetime Starts at Host Rally!

What is Host Rally?

Over the next few days, our Day Camps team will be all-hands-on-deck for one of their biggest events of the year—Host Rally! WinShape Camps for Communities will take their day camp experience to 80+ cities around the country in 2024! (more on that later) In order to bring WinShape to a community, our team partners with a host church and a locally-owned Chick-fil-A restaurant in the area.

WinShape provides the Summer Staff, programming, and most of the equipment to help teleport campers into a whole new world while never (or barely) leaving their home zip code. However, while camp is in town for just 5 days, a ton of work goes into making those 5 days happen. That’s where our church hosts come in!

Host Rally is an annual training and equipping event where camp hosts from all over the country are brought together to not only kick off their camp preparation season, but also to experience spiritually enriching, community-building moments. Host Rally includes training sessions, breakouts, worship and speakers meant to inspire church hosts for the incredible work they do year-round in their community. And of course, like with any WinShape event, a lot of FUN can be expected.

Host Rally Speaker Main Session

Promise of Provision

At this year’s Host Rally, attendees are invited to experience the theme of “Promise of Provision.” Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running? Or maybe even like you’re constantly running out? Running out of time, energy, emotional strength, patience, the ability to focus? Running out of pretty much everything you need?

If you feel this way, you are in good company. It seems this “keep up” mindset is the normal, accepted pace of our society. Move faster; do more; get on to the next thing; get more work done in less time! We often feel like we can’t keep up or do it all. The relentless cycle of “keeping up” inevitably draws focus from God and exhausts our resources.

We may seek solutions internally – focusing on the impact that we make, rather than God who is making the impact through us. We often look to other external things to help us keep up, too: a vacation, or hiring another person to the team. —but the breakthrough comes from God. He equips us for His calling; when He calls, He provides. We weren’t created to run endlessly on our own resources.

As believers, we are connected to the True Vine. Everything we need comes from him. We are connected to the one true God who is more than enough. He has promised the provision we need for every moment and every situation. His promises—care, comfort, strength—are not just words; they’re life-changing truths. John 15 tells us that God is the Vine and we are the branches.

Trying to provide everything for ourselves would be like the branch of a plant trying to supply its own nutrients without the support of a vine or roots. Thankfully, that’s not how we have to live. We have access to all we need—every bit of patience, wisdom, strength, and comfort. The God of the universe loves us and loves to provide for us.

Sometimes we just need to stop, breathe, and remember that He is not surprised by the needs we have. He knows our needs and is more than capable of meeting them. So, over the next few days, let’s come together — inhale, exhale — and be reminded of the God who never runs out.

Host Rally Extra-ordinary Worship Session

Host Rally 2024 Sessions will include talks from keynote speakers like Mayo Sowell, Dr. Anita Phillips, Miles Fidell, Beth Guckenberger, and WinShape Camps’ very own Senior Director, Chris Witt as well as worship moments lead by Kenny West from Passion City Church. In addition to powerful session moments, Hosts will get to choose from a range of Workshops that will teach them everything from camp scholarships, to how to market camp in their community, and partnering with other community organizations to make a lasting impact.

Keep up with Host Rally

Join us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter on January 29-31st as we share a few highlights from the event! We can’t wait to see you soon for the Summer of a Lifetime! Interested in hosting camp in your community? Check this out.