Hold on to your Space Helmets
We did it! We’ve landed the rocket ship on Summer 2022 and the school season has begun! Instead of sunscreen and face paint, it’s time to stock up on pencils and notebook paper. But hey, don’t leave your astronaut suits behind. 🧑🚀 This summer you joined us on a mission to explore Jesus and discover the truth, discover the plan, discover direction, discover connection, and discover freedom. But do you want to know the coolest part? The mission isn’t over! The mission doesn’t end on Friday Family Fun Day because there is ALWAYS more to explore about Jesus! The truths that you learned at camp are the same truths that apply at school, at sports practice, at home, and when hanging out with friends. Consider this, your back to school guide!
Never-Changing Truth
No matter what, Jesus is always truth! He is always good. He is always love. He is always guiding. And no doubt, it’s easier to focus on knowing Jesus when we’re at camp with zero distractions, but he is with you always and will guide you no matter where you are. So wherever you are today, invite Jesus in, tell him your worries, and allow him to be your mission control. When we let Jesus be our mission control, we can’t lose control of the rocket ship. Even if it feels like we’re lost in space with zero gravity, Jesus is always there to love you and his Holy Spirit is always there to guide you. When it feels like you are drifting off into the universe alone, remember that he is still with you and has a flight plan. Our sight is limited, but he knows the whole story.
There is always more to explore, and that is super exciting! But it can also feel a bit scary, right? Just think of it like this… if you tried to learn multiplication before learning what numbers were, you probably wouldn’t get very far. No matter how hard you try, you won’t always know the next step of the mission. You won’t always know what obstacle is around the corner; but lean on Jesus right where you are, and you can be sure that even if you mess up or feel like you made the wrong decision, he is always there to redirect the ship! He will give you everything you need for the journey, but remember; our peace is not found in what in what’s going on all around us, but in Christ alone.
Yes, we are already counting down the days, hours, and minutes until next summer! But we are also SO excited to see and hear about your grand exploration. The mission has only just begun! From WinShape to the world. 🌎 🚀
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear? 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. — Matthew 6:31, 33-34
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. — Isaiah 41:10, NIV
Back to School Devotion Questions:
1. Which daily truth resonated with you the most at camp? How can you apply that truth where you are now?
2. How do you see God guiding you in the season you’re in right now?
3. How does knowing that Jesus is constant and unchanging affect your everyday life?
4. Identify one thing that is causing you to worry. What would surrendering that to Jesus look like? If you aren’t sure, ask him.